My boys last sunday. Oh how I love these two! Doesn't Banks just look like a mini Jeff?
Look at this kid! Aw he's so cute!
Our house is really coming along! The only thing left pretty much is: carpet, plumbing, touch up paint. We're about 90% done! Hurray! Its so exciting!
Appliances got delivered the other day! Woo-hoo! (Our oven isnt blue, its just the protective plastic)
(Bank's hair looks terrible an old man) but!..I wanted you to see how much he loves to swing! He loves loves loves the swing and just giggles non-stop! Oh Banks has 5 teeth now..with a 6th one just breaking through!
I dont know what Banks loves more...the swing, or bath time! He can crawl now..and so he'll crawl to the bath tub and get all excited sitting next to it squeeling and pounding on the tub hoping I'll fill it up!
"Is it bath time yet, Momma?"
Jeff and I went to the temple tonight. The tulips are so beautiful right now! What a blessing it is to live so close to a House of the Lord.
On our way home from the temple...we spied the waffle truck! We tried going there once before but they sold out. But today was our lucky day! The waffles were sooooo tasty!

My car had a flat tire the other day so I was trying to do most of it myself. He he :)
This is an old picture. (Pre-wood floor). Jeff, Danny, Brent, and Cameron did a great job laying our wood floor. It turned out beautiful!! Way to go guys.

The boys in action!
Many, many, many, many hours later...and staples, and nails, and boards later...Jeff set the final board! The floor isn't clean here...but you might get the idea. The floor is an engineered wood called Natural Malaysian Walnut. Its an exotic wood with all kinds of character. Lots of lights and darks..Its beautiful!

Banks and I have been to Las Vegas twice in the last three weeks. The first time was a road trip with Brents Family to meet Emily and Mikey. It was so fun! We spent the weekend at Tahiti Village swimming, eating yummy food, and enjoy the wonderful sunshine. I hope this becomes a traditions!
Banks with his cousins!
Yay! fun with the cousins!! Banks hasnt gotten to see cousin Mikey in a long time.
Arent these three so cute!!? They did so good on the long drive.
This is an old picture. (Pre-wood floor). Jeff, Danny, Brent, and Cameron did a great job laying our wood floor. It turned out beautiful!! Way to go guys.
Banks really likes spaghetti. He's a great little eater.

The boys in action!
Many, many, many, many hours later...and staples, and nails, and boards later...Jeff set the final board! The floor isn't clean here...but you might get the idea. The floor is an engineered wood called Natural Malaysian Walnut. Its an exotic wood with all kinds of character. Lots of lights and darks..Its beautiful!

Banks and I have been to Las Vegas twice in the last three weeks. The first time was a road trip with Brents Family to meet Emily and Mikey. It was so fun! We spent the weekend at Tahiti Village swimming, eating yummy food, and enjoy the wonderful sunshine. I hope this becomes a traditions!
Banks with his cousins!
Yay! fun with the cousins!! Banks hasnt gotten to see cousin Mikey in a long time.
We got to visit M & M land in Vegas.
Arent these three so cute!!? They did so good on the long drive.